My Place – 1788

After a while, of trudging around in the hot bush, I got terribly bored. All of a sudden, I had an idea. Happily, I turned around to Burani, who was also feeling under the weather.

“I know how to get Mung back!” I said excitedly. Mung had been gone for a few days now.

“Okay, what?” Asked Burani gloomily.

“We can throw a feast, but we can dance too!” This idea obviously had a good impact on Burani because his frown turned into a smile. “ I’ll catch the fish!’ He said. “No I will.” I replied.

“I’m better with a spear.” “Let’s do a dance off then. So that’s what we did.

I started first. My first impression was of a emu. Guessed easily. Then I was a snake by clasping my hands over my head and slithering around. Also, guessed. Lastly I was a wallaby by hopping around and use my hands as twitching ears. BAM! Guessed. Now it was Burani’s turn.

At first he flapped his wings like a bird, but what bird. Then, I have no idea what he was. “So, who wants to vote for me?” He said as he glared at the boys. “Me!” Said one “ go Burani!” Said the other.

“ You lose Barangaroo!” “ as leader I am proud to announce that we will go fishing while Barangaroo looks after mung.” Said Burani.  They all ran into the bush whooping and cheering. No fair, I had won! Oh just you wait Burani!

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